Imagining the airport of tomorrow

An airport can only be designed by looking ahead. Our airports today represent the dreams and aspirations of generations that came before us. At TAV Airports, we invest in a vision of our future world. Our airports are the gates to the cities and regions they serve. Each day we provide a reliable, fast and comfortable travel experience to hundreds and thousands of passengers. We contribute to the development of communities and regions where we operate.

Conscious of our responsibility towards future generations, we build the airports for future, today.

Airports for trust

Our responsibility is not only towards our employees, our clients and suppliers but also towards all our other stakeholders, including local communities and future generations. After being impacted in 2020 by the worst crisis in air transport history, airport operators within Groupe ADP's network, signatories, believe this crisis is a unique opportunity to build together a more sustainable and responsible future.

Protecting the planet 

We, the signatories, share a global ambition: to be the industry leaders in terms of environmental protection. This means being exemplary within our scope of responsibility, while taking further steps to go beyond and extend our policy to our entire value chain. We therefore commit to four ambitions:

- Tend towards zero environmental impact operations within our scope of responsibility including concessionaires, which notably includes the commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2030 at the latest.

- Participate actively in the aviation sector’s environmental transition efforts and, when applicable, provide solutions airside,

- Promote the integration of each airport in a local resource system, favouring short circuits/routes, encouraging the circular economy, and promoting the production of resources on site,

- Build a greener future by reducing the environmental footprint of our project development activities (design, construction, renovation).

Thriving with the local communities

We, the signatories, are convinced that the balanced and sustainable development of airport activities need to be intertwined with the creation of value for local communities and the investment in human development at a local scale (with a special focus on the youth), in order to develop a durable win-win relation and a shared vision of the future. Improving the airport territorial anchor is a factor of innovation and collective performance on the long-term. Therefore, we commit to four ambitions : 

- Be an active contributor in the improvement of the living conditions of the local populations and in the noise exposure reduction,

- Build long-term trust and cohesion with local stakeholders, 

- Reinforce the benefits of the airport activity for the local communities,

- Federate the airport community and act together for maximizing the positive impacts of airport activity and facilitating acceptability, for instance by pursuing common projects in the general interest.

While sharing joint strategy and objectives, we develop locally our own synergies with our surrounding ecosystem.

Ethics & Compliance

Ethics and compliance are defined as the respect for laws and regulations as well as the TAV Airports values. This framework is in place to protect both the company and its employees. The dissemination of this culture is key to developing trust among all stakeholders.

CODE OF CONDUCTClick here to access the code of conduct ->

The whistleblowing system is one of the main pillars of the Ethics and Compliance program. It is a complementary channel for employees and stakeholders to disclose some breaches and questions concerning Ethics and compliance. Whistleblowing aims at supporting progress.

Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is founded on 4 commitments:

  • • The protection of the whistleblower if acting in good faith;
  • • The presumption of innocence of the persons targeted by the whistleblowing;
  • • The appropriate behavior of the parties involved in the reporting and the processing of the alert and the processing of the alert;
  • • The respect of confidentiality, in particular concerning the identity of the whistleblower.

Click here to access the whistleblowing system ->